NickerStickers Decals are Easy to Apply!Whether you've never, ever applied a decal before or are an old pro, NickerStickers go on smooth and easy and stick very well.
Before you start, WASH THE SURFACE!Don't Use Window Cleaner!
We recommend you use plain old soap and water, 1/3 cup soap to 1 cup water. If there is any wax build up, use a scrubby. Finish with a lint free cloth to dry. You can add additional touch of extra cleaning with rubbing alcohol, mixed half and half with water. But soap and water is usually good enough.
Step 1. Peel the transfer tape with the decal stuck to it away from the waxy backing paper. The adhesive side of your decal is now exposed. Be careful! Don't get it dirty and don't touch it with your fingers. Use the clear transfer tape to hold because you'll be taking that off later anyway.

Step 2. Using the transfer tape, roll your decal on to the surface to which you are applying, starting at one corner and laying it down. Once it is on the surface, rub on top of the clear transfer tape and decal using a credit card and working from the center out. Press lightly at first, then repeat more firmly. Repeat several times.
Step 3. REMOVE THE TRANSFER TAPE. The decal is under the transfer tape. Pull the transfer tape up at a sharp angle beginning at one corner. Remove the clear tape on top of the decal and throw it away. Your decal should easily stick to the surface while you are pulling up the transfer tape. If it's not sticking solid, try leaving it on overnight and taking it off the next day.

For more information on decal application, including applying large decals,
video instruction, and trouble shooting, click here:
About the Bernedoodle
Bernedoodle is a cross between a Bernese Mountain Dog and a Poodle. The goal with crossbreeding these two popular
dogs was to create a perfect companion for families of all shapes and
sizes. Bernedoodles vary widely in color and size. You can find a Bernedoodle anywhere from 10 lbs to 50lbs.
adorable mixed breed combines the goofiness of the Poodle with the laid-back
loyalty of the Berner, getting the best of both worlds. However, the look and
personality can vary greatly. Some Bernedoodles may be more stoic and calm,
while others are more energetic. It’s best to talk to the breeder to pick the
right Bernedoodle personality for your life style choice.
breeding comes in three types: F1, which is a 50/50 Bernese/Poodle; F1b which
is 25/75 Bernese/Poodle (F1 bred to a Poodle); and F2 which is two Bernedoodles
bred together (F1 bred to F1).
may or may not shed. There are typically three coat styles; flat coat, wavy
coat, and curly coat. A Bernedoodle with a curly coat is the most likely to be
the least of the shedders and more hypoallergenic, while the flat coated
Bernedoodle is most likely to shed and be less hypoallergenic. Bernedoodles
with a wavy coat are somewhere in between. No matter which coat your
Bernedoodle comes with, they will need a lot of grooming to prevent matts and
Overall, Bernedoodles
are smart, fluffy, playful dogs who are very loyal. Like any dog, you should
choose your breeder carefully, follow all the veterinary recommendations, train
your dog to be a good companion, and exercise, exercise, exercise! A tired dog
is a good dog.